Betekenis van:
catalytic converter

catalytic converter
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • apparaat in motorvoertuigen dat de uitlaatgassen zuivert
  • a converter that uses a platinum-iridium catalyst to oxidize pollutants and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and water; an antipollution device on an automotive exhaust system



  1. Catalytic converter: yes/no3.
  2. Make of catalytic converter: …
  3. Catalytic converter: yes/no (1)
  4. Type of casing for catalytic converter(s): …
  5. Catalytic converter: yes/no3. Number of catalytic converters and elements:
  6. Type of casing for the catalytic converter(s): …
  7. catalytic converter(s) (only if not integrated in the silencer)’
  8. Type of casing for the catalytic converter(s):
  9. Where fitted, reduction in the efficiency of the catalytic converter;
  10. Dimensions- and volume of the catalytic converter(s): …
  11. Dimensions, shape and volume of the catalytic converter(s): … …
  12. type of casing for the catalytic converter(s),
  13. Dimensions, shape and volume of the catalytic converter(s):
  14. Dimensions and shape of the catalytic converter(s) (volume, …): …
  15. One sample of the type of the replacement catalytic converter.